Shamanic ceremony

Despachos, life passages, death rites, munay-ki rites

Our lives are full of experiences and events; twists and turns; laughter and tears. Some of them are one’s we look forward to such as a birth or wedding or new career path. Others are unexpected such as a death in the family, loss of a job, illness or any number of surprises that knock us off balance. It is how we “anticipate” or “respond” to them that makes a difference in our personal world.

  • What if we could celebrate an event with purposeful intention and ceremony ~ attracting into our lives what we desire rather than letting fate dictate how the days unfold?

  • What if we could envision how we want to “walk in the world” and then “dream it into being”?

  • What if you could create a beautiful experience and memory of a life transition? One you would remember to your core?

Whenever I create ceremony for myself, I feel at one with everything around me… the earth under my feet, the wind whispering in my ear, the light of the sun shining on my life, along with the chittering of birds and the elementals all around me as I call in the Directions or build a fire for transformation.

  • Despacho ~ a prayer bundle for calling in a new job; Career change; new home; expanding your business; A new year;

  • Celebrations ~ a new baby; business opening

  • Fire Ceremony

  • Munay-Ki Rites

  • Sand Paintings